Now at last, you can have it too…


In 2013, about 73 lucky men had the opportunity to try out this unique therapy and it totally transformed their sexual lives
(see proofs below)


Dear reader,

My name is Uncle James and, I think you may want to call me after reading this letter.

If so, my number is 081XXXXXX (available between Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm).

And if you’d like to visit me, my office is located at 2nd floor, XXXXXX Lagos. There is a bedmate building directly beside it.

You see…If you find it difficult to get frequent and rock hard erections, then you should pay attention to the critical information on this page.

Here is Why:

Back in 2012, I stumbled on the story of how late Fatai Rolling Dollar was sexually active and strong at 82 and even married a young woman (despite the fact that he was a smoker)

Here is an excerpt from interview with PM News about his sexual prowess below:

Because of this story, I went on a research to find out what any man can do to enjoy consistent and stronger erections till old age and…


The Outcome of  the Research Led to What is Now Known as The “15 Minutes Erection Booster Therapy”


Unlike what you have ever seen or tried, this secret therapy works to eliminate erection troubles by tackling the root causes of weak erections and poor sexual performance.

As a result, you will have consistent sexual energy and strong erections even at old age.

For instance, my grandfather (who died at age 89) got married to a young woman at the age of 75 and had 2 kids.

He didn’t have to risk his life on Viagra to do that.

And this secret 15 minutes erection therapy was responsible for his super active bed stamina.

When I discovered this powerful therapy in 2013, I made it available to some of the subscribers of my newsletter to try it and the results were absolutely mind blowing:

Here Are Some Of Their Amazing Feedbacks Below:

If your wife has a low sex drive and you can’t maintain more than one lover, you probably shouldn’t use this therapy.

The reason is because this therapy will not just boost the size and strength of your erections, it will also increase your sex drive and intensity.

You have been warned.

So, What is This 15 Minutes Therapy and How Does It Work?


The 15 Minutes Erection Booster Therapy is a new breakthrough therapy that changes your life by tackling the root causes of weak erections so that you can consistently have hard, robust erections regardless of your age.


Just in case you don’t know, the main 2 reasons for all those weak erections are:

 (1) Low Testosterone

 (2) Poor blood flow in your body (as a result of damaged blood vessels caused by too much blood sugar or a weak clogged up heart)

 When you tackle these 2 things above, I can guarantee that you will have massive, rock hard erections on a consistent basis until you are 75.

This therapy is made up of the following:

  1. The Japanese Water Therapy – This is not a product. It is just a way of using water to heal your body and it is common with the Japanese.


  2. Two Simple Penis Exercises – These 2 exercises target the vessels and muscles that lead to and control erections.


  3. Ruzu Bitters – A highly medicinal herbal mixture (NAFDAC Approved) that is proven to flush out excess sugar from your body.


  4. Multi Maca – A natural supplement (also NAFDAC approved) that is made from 2 powerful ancient herbs that restores sexual strength and virility.

These 4 Things Work Together To Restore Your Erectile and Sexual Power By:


(a) Flushing out excess sugar and other erection killing poisons from your body.

(b) Detoxifying your kideny and liver so that they can function better

(c) Stimulating your body to produce more testosterone

(d) Cleaning and Strengthening your heart so that it functions more effectively

Full details on how to apply the Japanese water therapy and the 2 penile exercises involved will be sent to you.

But for now, let me tell you about the 2 herbal products contained in this package.




The first herbal product in this package is called RUZU Bitters and it was created from 3 of the most powerful medicinal herbs (Bush banana, Squirrel groundnut, Desert Gourd)

 NAFDAC REG NO is : A7-1102L

There are 3 Things This Herbal Mixture Will Do For You:


NUMBER 1 – It Detoxifies Your Kidney and Liver – As a result, you will feel lighter because this helps you to shed off some excess weight.

NUMBER 2 – It Helps you Flush Out Excess Your Blood Sugar – You will have bigger and stronger erections because blood easily flows into the chambers of your penis

NUMBER 3 – It Flushes Out Clot From Your Heart – By unclogging your heart and cleaning your arteries, you will feel stronger because your heart is healthier and blood will move smoothly in your body

Watch the Videos Below to See What People Are Saying About The Effectiveness of This Amazing Product


The second product in this 15 minutes therapy is a supplement known as Multi Maca and it contains the original extracts of 2 powerful ancient herbs (Muira Puama and Maca)

Multi Maca restores youthful energy and turns you into a full sexual beast by naturally jacking up the production of testosterone in your body.

1 bottle of this powerful supplement contains 60 tablets enough for a full month.

The ingredients used to create Multi Maca are 100% natural and it does not contain any side effects whatsoever.

Just like Ruzu Bitters, Multi Maca is approved by NAFDAC and other international health bodies


Another Testimony From a Satisfied Customer…

“You Have Made My Sex Life Better”


I cant even begin to say how much i have spent on buying various drugs and concotions to solve my soft erection problems – or the fact that 3 women left me because of it.

So, when I stumbled on these supplements, I thought it was another set of fake products but I gave it a chance and they worked for me.

Apart from the fact that I now get very strong erections, I have found out that I also slep better since I started taking these supplements.

I have even recommended the products to some of my frfiends.

Debo, Ilorin

Here Is the Good News…


We are willing to send you a complete pack of the 15 Minutes Erection Booster therapy today so that you can start using it and telling your friends about it.

When you place your order for the 15 Minutes Erection Booster therapy today, we will send you details of the water therapy and the 2 simple penis exercises that makes your penis stonger.

That means all you have to pay for are the following:

(1) RUZU BITTERS (the Herbal mixture that flushes out excess sugar from your heart and cleans your heart and arteries)

(2) MULTI MACA (The powerful supplement that turns you into a full sexual beast by naturally jacking up the production of testosterone in your body)


Multi Maca is a very scarce supplement.

As a matter of fact, we only have 100 bottles in our store right now.

In order to get this full combination of the 15 Minutes Erection Booster therapy, simply use any of the 2 options below to place your order right away:


Get 1 Full Bottle of Ruzu Bitters & 1 Bottle of Multi Maca For:

N18,000 ONLY


(This includes the cost of packaging and sending it to you)


(Recommended Full Dosage)
Get 3 Full Bottles of Ruzu Bitters & 1 Bottle of Multi Maca For:

N27,000 ONLY


(This includes the cost of sending it to you)

When You Get the 15 Minutes Erection Booster Therapy Pack Today, You Will Also Get these 2 Bonus Reports:

BONUS ONE – The 60 Minute Stamina Guide


We are sending you this manual because it is not just enough to get stronger erections. You also need to know what to do to last longer in bed.

When you follow the instructions in the “60 Minute Stamina Guide” your ability to last longer in bed is going to improve dramatically.

With this bonus report, you will learn step by step what to do so that you can last at least 25 minutes even if your sexual partner is as tight as a virgin.

Buying this guide alone will cost you N4500 but we are giving it to you for free as a bonus for ordering for the 15 Minutes Erection Booster therapy.

BONUS TWO: 4 Massive Impact Sex Positions

Do you know that there are at least 4 sex positions that will make your lover orgasm easily?

This is because these 4 sex positions makes you feel bigger whenever you are inside a woman – no matter what your size is.

As a result, she orgasms easily

The truth is that most men don’t know these sex positions not to talk of how to use them.

This bonus report will show you what these sex positions are and how you can use them to give your partner body shaking orgasms.

What is the Guarantee That This 15 Minutes Erection Booster Therapy Will Work For You?

By now, you may be thinking – “But how am I sure this therapy is going to work for me?”

Truth is, we have never had any complain from people who have used this therapy but since I really don’t know what your condition is at the moment, here is what I can do.

Try this 15 Minutes Erection Booster Therapy for the next 30 days and if it doesn’t satisfy your expectations, simply return the empty containers to us and you will get a full refund of your money back.

No story.

We are willing to send your 15 minutes erection booster therapy pack to you anywhere in Nigeria – and you will only pay the delivery guy after you have received the package.

We are doing this in case you are afraid of buying online.

To order, just click any of the buttons below based on what you can afford.

This will take you to the order form. Fill the form with your correct details and submit.

Once we receive your details, our agent will call you to confirm your order and address.

After that, your package will be sent immediately and you will receive it within 1-3 business days.

Remember. You only pay the delivery person when you have the products in your hands. Place your order now.



The prices on this page are not fixed.

By the time you leave and come back, they might have increased due to the high scarcity of genuine Multi Maca supplements.


Here is How to Get Your 15 Minutes Erection Booster Therapy Pack Delivered to You Anywhere In Nigeria

Frequently Asked Questions About Ruzu Bitters:

QUESTION: Can Ruzu Bitters Cure Piles (also known as Haemorrhoids?

ANSWER: The testimonies we have seen and heard confirms it helps people to get rid of haemorrhoids.

QUESTION: Is Ruzu Bitters Nafdac Approved?

ANSWER: Yes, it is NAFDAC approved and the NAFDAC REG No is A7-1102L

QUESTION: When Will I Start Seeing the Effects?

ANSWER: From our experience, you can start seeing the effect of Ruzu Bitters within 30 minutes of using it but it is recommended that you take at least 2 bottles in a month for total recovery.


QUESTION: What are the Side Effects of Ruzu Bitters


ANSWER: From our personal usage and the experience from customers, the only side effect of Ruzu Bitters is that it might cause you to take frequent visits to the toilet. So, it is recommended that you take it when you have ready access to the toilet. Apart from this, it has no other side effects.

QUESTION: Do I Have to Keep Using Ruzu Bitters To Keep Getting The Benefits It Offers?

ANSWER: The answer is yes but you shouldn’t need more than two bottles in a month and at a very low price, it is very worth it.

QUESTION: How Long Will It Take to Get this Product to Me?

ANSWER: If you are in Lagos or nearby states, you will get it within 24 – 48 hours. But for other states, you will get it within 6 days maximum from the date you placed the order

QUESTION: Can a Pregnant Women Take Ruzu Bitters?

ANSWER: The answer is NO. Pregnant women and people with dysentry shouldn’t take Ruzu Bitters.

QUESTION: How Can I Buy More than 2 Bottles of Ruzu Bitters?

ANSWER: It is simple. Start by ordering for 2 bottles by clicking the green button below.

After that, send an email to orders@XXXXXXXX to tell us how many additional bottles you want and we will send them to you.

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