Dear friend,
If you are interested in completely eliminating high blood pressure… living a very long life… and… staying healthy… this will be the most important message you will ever read.
Here is why:
The Amish are one of the most secretive religious communities in the world.
It was founded in 1693 by Jakob Ammann and spread across three states in the United States of America – Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
The average life expectancy of an Amish man is 97 years
The Amish forbid members of their community from having anything to do with the outside world.
They do not shave, stop schooling at the age of 14 and they marry their cousins.
Despite their in-breeding, they have been living healthy for…323 Years!
And autopsies reveal when they die, they have zero circulatory diseases.
I am telling you all these about the Amish because…
Have you heard this expression?
This statement comes from the famous Chinese Doctor, Lu Hun Sen, who is the Doctor of the Russian football club Spartak Moscow, (his job consists of making sure footballers don’t fall down on the pitch and die).
And… it’s very true!
There is no other way around it, if you want to eliminate your high blood pressure and live a long and healthy life… the most important thing you can do is… make sure you have clean and healthy arteries.
Have you ever wondered if your arteries – the pipes which take blood out of your heart and moves it to other parts of your body – are clean as they are supposed to be?
We shower and bathe everyday. We brush our teeth on a daily basis. Ladies also shampoo their hair regularly, and most of us manicure and pedicure our fingernails and toes.
But most of us are totally unaware of what is going on in our insides… until we develop a symptom or disease which gives us a wake-up call.
The truth is, our circulatory system (especially the heart) is the “engine room” of the body. If it stops working, you’re going to die… in minutes.
If you are to enjoy good health, your heart, the engine of your body requires regular cleaning.
We are all exposed to thousands of toxins and unhealthy chemicals on a daily, especially if you live in the city. We take them in from the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the prescription drugs we take.
These toxins and dangerous chemicals, combined with our “modern day” diet leads to the formation of a really horrible substance called… plaque.
It’s a semi-solid mix of fat, calcium, damaged cells and toxins that are present in your blood.
This plaque travels through the blood stream and when it gets to the heart, it lodges itself in the arteries. Over time, it builds up narrowing the space available for the blood to pass through.
When it completely closes up the arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis, blood cannot pass through anymore and starts to form lumps which block the arteries, forcing them to literally Explode!
When this happens, your heart stops beating, and you have what everyone calls a heart attack.
Then oxygen which is carried by the blood doesn’t reach the other parts of the body which is blocked by the plaque leading to a stroke which will cause that part of the body not receiving oxygen to shut down and stop working, very often, forever.
You know how when you use your generator for sometime, and you check the oil, you find out that the clean yellow thin oil you put in the engine has now turned into a thick mess of black goop.
If you do not change the oil, what do you think will happen then? The engine will ‘knock’ and stop running. It’s the same thing with plaque and the heart.
Believe it or not, autopsies reveal the hearts of over 90% of people who die of heart attacks and stroke are filled with plaque.
According to the 2013 Bulletin of the World Health Organization…
That’s a whooping 46% of adults between the ages of 25 and above. Meaning that 1 out of every 6 Nigerians have high blood pressure.
And most of them don’t know it!
This leaves them to a high risk of dying from heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure and brain damage, at any time!
And once you flush them out…dizziness, blurred vision, chest pain and shortness of breath will disappear as if by magic.
Your blood pressure will return to normal, and heart attacks and stroke will not come near you!
That is because…
Our in-house health experts have combined the same Amish secret recipe I told you about earlier with other natural products to develop a highly-effective and completely safe plaque flushing formula.
The Ultimate Heart Cleaning Formula is a complete easy-to-use 30-Day formula for internally cleaning your heart, arteries and your blood stream – and it has proven itself to be a lifesaver for thousands of sufering high blood pressure victims.
This formula contains 4 specially formulated natural components that work together in harmony with your body to achieve rapid results.
This contains 17 natural herbal ingredients designed to provide three important nutritional supports for circulatory health.
It energizes failing hearts and aging brains, lowers your blood pressure, helps cells repair and work normally, promotes efficient metabolism, and provides heart-healthy antioxidants.
Since CoQ10 was discovered in 1957, hundreds of medical clinical studies have proven that the more of this miracle nutrient you have in your body, the longer you’ll live and the less you have, the sooner you will die.
Forever CardioHealth® with CoQ10 is safe and gentle enough for everyday use and your heart will thank you!
This delicious drink, mainly contains the “Miracle Doctor – Aloe vera” plus a blend of fresh cranberries and sweet, mellow apples, with fructose (a natural fruit sugar) to sweeten it.
This Aloe Vera Nectar works as a cleanser which when consumed before night time, works with your body’s chemistry to naturally push the detached plaque buildup and dead cells through your intestines and out of your system each morning.
This unusual supplement is a combination of Omega-3 with Omega-9 fatty acids.
It melts and flushes out unhealthy cholesterol.
It also helps improve blood flow and support proper joint function.
In use in Egypt since year 1,500BC, the dietary uses of garlic and thyme have been traced back thousands of years.
Garlic-Thyme, washes your blood free of parasites and the dead cells that cause the formation of artery-clogging plaque formation, builds your immune system helping your body resist infection and diseases, and burns up fat converting it to energy.
This special Heart Formula has a special dosage that makes it work effectively.
And that is why when you order the Ultimate Heart Cleansing Formula, you will also get: A free step by step instructional manual that tells you exactly how to use this formula to get amazing results.
It is very important that you follow the instructions in this guide in order to get the best results from this formula
This is a surgical repair or unblocking of a blood vessel, especially a coronary artery. There’s only one small problem.
Angioplasty will cost you $10,000. That’s about N3,750,000.
But that’s not all. You still need to continue do yet another operation to remove again when the plaque you removed through angioplasty reoccurs.
Will you keep having Doctors cutting your heart open to remove plaque? For how long?
The Ultimate Heart Cleansing Formula.
All you do is simply buy just one pack ONCE, nothing more. One pack is enough to do the job of cleaning your heart and entire circulation system.
There’s nothing else to take, and nothing else to buy. And no one will cut your heart open with a knife, putting you at a risk of losing your life.
Will you rather spend N55,000 once, right now and get results or would you rather continue what you’re doing, risking your life day after day or would you prefer the surgery and risk failure?
We are so sure you will love this Ultimate Heart Cleansing Formula, so sure that we are willing to let you try it out for 30 days completely risk-free.
That way you will have plenty of time to use it and discover for yourself how wonderful it is. If you are not satisfied, you can return the unused portion to us within 30 days and we will refund every single kobo you paid for it.
Even after 30 days, you can return the product FOR ANY REASON and we will cheerfully issue you a full refund. We’re that confident you’ll love what this Ultimate Heart Cleansing Formula will do for your health!
It’s easy to order.
All you have to do is click any of the 2 buttons below that says, “Order A Pack” and follow the easy ordering instructions on the next page
DISCLAIMER: Some of the products included in this Natural diabetes solution pack are from Forever Living Products and we are recommending them because they are made from 100% Natural ingredients, have no side effects and they work for people who have used them.
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